a network of all stakeholders across Japan including companies, industry groups, institutions, and teachers to make better use of ICT in education
supported by
- MEXT (the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology)
- MIC (the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications)
Provide access to various learning tools and educational services for anyone, anytime, anywhere
Bring benefit to users and providers through establishing technical standards
Evangelize the value of making better use of ICT in education
Easy-to-use and accessWide variety of rich learning materials, tools, and services available
Seamless learning at school and home
Expanding the marketEasy-to-go into the markets
Improving interoperability and reducing development cost by establishing technical standards
Educational institutes and Teachers
High quality learning materials, tools, and services availableLow cost to introduce and maintain
Easy-to-use and maintain
Helping students to acquire the 21st century skillsResolving various issues in education
Facilitate communication among students, teachers, parents, and neighbors
President’s message
The twenty first century society will be the society with different pedagogical paradigm from the current educational situation. In the coming society, the rapid change of educational environment such as ICT(Information, Communication and Technology)and children’s communication surroundings, will give strong impact to the quality of education, though teachers’ skills, curriculum, instructional methods and materials play important roles for the quality of education as same as the current educational situation.
From the traditional educational aspect, the factors such as teachers’ skills, curriculum, instructional methods and materials, named as the inner factors, have been viewed as important; however, the modern educational aspect is recognizing that ICT environments, children’s surroundings, named as the outside factors, are more important than the inner factors. Children are now learning directly or indirectly in the above described environment full of rich information.
The world wise educators, researchers and educational stakeholders have begun to seek the new educational model which children themselves access to ICT environments, acquire the knowledge, generate the findings, solve problems, instead of being taught by teachers. This educational model is very close to the rational of twenty first century skills; it may be viewed as educational paradigm shift.
ICT CONNECT 21, in Japanese, the association connecting education related organizations for children’s future learning, was established for the purpose of constructing ICT environments for realizing the new educational model.
From the traditional educational aspect, the factors such as teachers’ skills, curriculum, instructional methods and materials, named as the inner factors, have been viewed as important; however, the modern educational aspect is recognizing that ICT environments, children’s surroundings, named as the outside factors, are more important than the inner factors. Children are now learning directly or indirectly in the above described environment full of rich information.
The world wise educators, researchers and educational stakeholders have begun to seek the new educational model which children themselves access to ICT environments, acquire the knowledge, generate the findings, solve problems, instead of being taught by teachers. This educational model is very close to the rational of twenty first century skills; it may be viewed as educational paradigm shift.
ICT CONNECT 21, in Japanese, the association connecting education related organizations for children’s future learning, was established for the purpose of constructing ICT environments for realizing the new educational model.